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Our portfolio includes more than 300 items: from simple and understandable wines for every day to classic masterpieces from leading wine regions. Many wines are produced exclusively for us.

Individual approach to each client

Individual approach to each client

A professional team of our managers will help you choose the assortment, provide all the necessary information about the product and arrange timely shipment. Competent support at all stages of communication - from ordering to receiving products in your hands.

POS materials for brand promotion

POS materials for brand promotion

We want our wines to be known, loved and recognized. A program for the creation and implementation of pos materials developed jointly with manufacturers will help draw attention to the shelves of your outlets and make our products unique for the buyer.

Journey to the wineries of the world

Journey to the wineries of the world

Walking through the vineyards is a special kind of art. Taking part in the grape harvest or looking at young shoots on a perennial vine, tasting fresh wine sitting on a veranda somewhere in Tuscany or feeling the slowness of life in a winery in France are absolutely unforgettable moments. Moments that we want you to touch, appreciating how much work and love is in each bottle of our wine. We organize gastronomic tours to countries that are famous for winemaking several times a year - we will be glad to have your company.

Holding gastronomic evenings with the participation of producers

Holding gastronomic evenings with the participation of producers

Together with our partners - producers, we organize a meeting with both professionals of our market and amateurs who are curious to get all the detailed information about the wine first hand. Professional presentation of material, friendly atmosphere, unforgettable impressions and, of course, tasting of the best wines are waiting for you.



Our task is to bring you high-quality wine for every taste from different parts of the world. But we don't stop there. It is important for us to convey to the end consumer all the nuances, features, advantages of our product, to tell the story and convey the philosophy of the people involved in the creation of our wines. To this end, the team of our brand managers conducts trainings in different parts of our country. Online learning - no problem! Great experience and informative presentations.